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About UNESCO's MAB program:


The Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB) under the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) is an international program designed to fosters relationships between human and natural environments. Established in the 1970's, the program currently consists of 621 reserves in 117 countries around the world. There are four Man and Biosphere Reserves in Thailand, with the Ranong MAB being representative of mangroves and coastal ecosystems in Thailand.


The MAB program looks to couple human socio-economic development with education, research, and conservation measures. Furthermore, the MAB program fosters conservation of natural environments by working with and empowering local communities towards sustainable use and management of the areas in which they reside. On-the-ground measures within reserves are implemented through the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, and through the Madrid Action Plan (2008-2013).


The MAB program management schemes primarily work through three functions: (1) the conservation function (2) the development function, and (3) the logistic function. By striving to address all three functions, conservation of biodiversity, sustainable socio-economic development of local communities, and promotion of scientific research and education are furthered.


The lessons learned within the individual reserves can be communicated, critiqued, and built upon to ensure success and development of conservation management planning globally. In the ever-changing dynamic environments of today, adaptive conservation measures are essential to sustenance of natural environments for decades to come.

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